Western Flames Ice Racing Club News

WA Speed Skating State Championships 2021

Written by Sandy Anderson | Jan 3, 2022 1:55:00 PM

What an amazing opportunity, holding the State Championships over 2 days meant plenty of time to run some  longer races and create an event with heats and finals.

There were some great results and plenty of fun racing. Trophies were presented at the lunch on Sunday and then taken away for engraving, meaning that each skater received a trophy with their name engraved on to the trophy. Many of these were  handed out on the last skating day of the year.

Two very special trophies were presented by special guests. 

The Crystal Cup for the Highest Contribution to Western Australian Ice Racing was presented by Eurik Nizielski to William Dewrance in recognition of his contribution to the Association and Sport in WA through attendance and contribution at training, events and racing, along with his high results at the State Championship. 

The Western Flames Ice Racing Club Perpetual Trophy for the  Most Improved for 2021was presented by Helen Heppell to Maya Smallbone. Congratulations Maya! 

You have achieved great improvement in your times this year. 

Congratulations to William D and Joshua S for your recent time achievements. William has achieved all 3 times required for his new age category and was presented with his Green Badge in Junior. 

Joshua received his blue badge in his new age category of  Sub-Junior.

Congratulations to you both!


A huge thank you to Sharon Seah for being Master of the  Kitchen, ensuring we all had plenty to eat!