Western Flames Ice Racing Club News

Highlights from Term 2 2021

Written by Sandy Anderson | Jul 10, 2021 2:25:00 PM

Covid lock-down has brought an abrupt end to Term 2. Winter is  here and we are all feeling a little chilly, so here are a few highlights to warm your heart. 

This term we have held two race meetings in quick succession to  allow skaters to achieve some amazing times, resulting in many personal bests and some state records being broken for the first  time in many years. It is obvious that skaters have been training  hard and making great gains in technique and fitness.  

Since the beginning of the year more than 100 personal best times have been achieved, and at our last training session, Andy announced the many recent achievements of our skaters. 

Our badge system, designed by Andy and based on the times of  previous skaters, encourages skaters to work towards high, though achievable times, to achieve a series of 3 badges in each  of the Australian Ice racing age brackets. The badges are  achieved in order from green to red  to blue.  


Daniel has achieved his first Green badge and Sasha has now earned her Red Badge. Well done to you both! 



Joshua Seah now holds our state records for Midget Boys in the 222m, 500m, and 777m. 

Come and Try June 26

The Come and Try saw 57 people give speed skating a go, over  two 50 minute sessions. Thank you to Cockburn Ice Arena for  promoting this event. Also, a big thanks to Will and Clinton,  Marley and Mark, Marcin and Wojciech, Josh and Sharon, and  Paul, Maya and Catriona for assisting on and off the ice.  Love your work! 

Our New Boot System! 

For those of you who still use club boots, you will now need to  look for them in the shelves in the mat room. They should be  much easier to find. We will also ask you to return them to the  shelf after training – as long as the blades, frames and bolts have  been dried. If you think they need another wipe-over please leave  them on the floor by the shelf. If you are returning them to the  shelf, please put them back in the right place. The boots are  organized from smallest boots at the bottom through to largest at  the top. 

Thank you to Clinton! 

Clinton has spent a great deal of time putting together our asset  register. It now means our equipment is insured and organized, hence the boot shelf. Great job! 

Being a Child Safe Organization 

Currently our committee and coaches are completing Online Training called Safeguarding Children as part of our commitment  to being a Child Safe Organization. 

New requirements include ensuring members are informed as to  how to proceed with a complaint. Please see the next page for this information. 

Coming Soon!

Skating Suits & Helmet Covers/Race Numbers Helmet covers are complete and skating suits are currently under  production. All going to plan, we should see them by August  along with a jacket prototype to consider. 

A New WAIR Trophy 

The new Nizielski Crystal Cup for the Highest Racing  Achievement in the WAIR State Championship is on the way. It will  look a little like this with a base below to house a number of  annual recipients. This trophy will be awarded for the first time  this year and is based on the best results of the championship.